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Journal Article
The Potential of Orthosiphon Aristatus Extract in Improving Skin Lesions in Atopic Dermatitis: A Mice Model Study, Pandaleke, Thigita Aga, Handono Kusworini, Widasmara Dhelya, and Susianti Hani , Pharmacognosy Journal, April 2024, Volume 16, Issue 2, p.342-347, (2024) PDF icon PDF (529.65 KB)
Potential of Phaleria macrocarpa Leaves Ethanol Extract to Upregulate the Expression of Caspase-3 in Mouse Distal Colon after Dextran Sodium Sulphate Induction, Kusmardi, Kusmardi, Wiyarta Elvan, Estuningtyas Ari, Sahar Nurhuda, Midoen Yurnadi Hanafi, and Tedjo Aryo , Pharmacognosy Journal, January 2021, Volume 13, Issue 1, p.23-29, (2021) PDF icon PDF (1.09 MB)
Potential Roles of Purslane (Portulaca oleracea L.) as Antimetabolic Syndrome: A Review, Aini, Nur Sofiatul, Ansori Arif Nur Muhamm, Kharisma Viol Dhea, Syadzha Muhammad Farraz, Widyananda Muhammad Hermawan, Murtadlo Ahmad Affan Ali, Probojati Rasyadan Taufiq, Ullah Md. Emdad, Naw Sin War, Jakhmola Vikash, et al. , Pharmacognosy Journal, June 2022, Volume 14, Issue 3, p.710-714, (2022) PDF icon PDF (445.85 KB)
Prostate Cancer: Causes and Medicinal Plants Used in Africa for Twenty Years (2001-2021), Agboola, Oludare Oladipo, Ijimbili Samuel Bawa, Ofuasia Gift Onyinyechu, Anejo-Okopi Joseph, Wahedi Jasini Alexander, and Olowoyo Joshua Oluwole , Pharmacognosy Journal, December 2022, Volume 14, Issue 6, p.822-828, (2022) PDF icon PDF (626.79 KB)
Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of 70% Ethanol Extract from Ruta angustifolia for Developing Anti-Hepatitis C Agents, Wahyuni, Tutik Sri, Permanasari Adita Ayu, Tumewu Lidya, Widyawaruyanti Aty, and Hafid Achmad Fuad , Pharmacognosy Journal, May 2021, Volume 13, Issue 3, p.682-687, (2021) PDF icon PDF (709.57 KB)
Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of 70% Ethanol Extract from Ruta angustifolia for Developing Anti-Hepatitis C Agents, Wahyuni, Tutik Sri, Permanasari Adita Ayu, Tumewu Lidya, Widyawaruyanti Aty, and Hafid Achmad Fuad , Pharmacognosy Journal, May 2021, Volume 13, Issue 3, p.682-687, (2021) PDF icon PDF (709.57 KB)
Quantitative Analysis of Irigenin in the Different Species of Iris Plant by RP- HPLC and its Efficacy Against Different Plant Pathogens, Wani, Sajad Hassan, Bhat Hilal Ahmad, Mir Javid Iqbal, Akbar Shahid Ali, Nabi Sajad Un, Singh Desh Beer, and Ahmad Nazeer , Pharmacognosy Journal, November 2017, Volume 9, Issue 6s, p.s23-s27, (2017) PDF icon PDF (495.76 KB)
Quantitative Determination and Variation Tendencies of Flavonoids in Five Selaginella Plant Drugs, Long, Weifang, Ding Qi, Chen Yujie, Hu Jiqing, Li Luyang, Zhang Fei, and Wan Dingrong , Pharmacognosy Journal, Nov-Dec 2015, Volume 7, Issue 6, p.378-382, (2015) PDF icon PDF (577.63 KB)
Radiographic and Histological Evaluation in Canine Femur after Implantation of 304 Stainless-steel-based Plate, Purnomo, Agus,, Budhi Setyo, Adji Dhirgo, Anggraeni Devita, Anggoro Dito, Widyarini Sitarina, Chhetri Shekhar, and Purnama Muhammad Thohawi El , Pharmacognosy Journal, August 2022, Volume 14, Issue 4, p.388-392, (2022) PDF icon PDF (743.65 KB)
Relationship Histopathology Grading of Meningioma with the Use of Medroxyprogesterone Acetate (MPA) as A Hormonal Contraceptive, Dustur, Shafhan, Wahyuhadi Joni, Utomo Budi, Parenrengi Muhammad Arifin, Bajamal Abdul Hafid, and Dwiningsih Sri Ratna , Pharmacognosy Journal, January 2023, Volume 14, Issue 6s, p.938-941, (2022) PDF icon PDF (319.29 KB)
Renal Resistive Index and Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate in Nondiabetic Chronic Kidney Disease Stage 3: A Cross-Sectional Analytical Study, Wongmanit, Patnaree, Sriyakul Kusuma, Tungsukruthai Parunkul, Supasyndh Ouppatham, and Phetkate Pratya , Pharmacognosy Journal, June 2024, Volume 16, Issue 3, p.538-544, (2024) PDF icon PDF (431.22 KB)
Repairing of Renal Tubules in Diabetic Rats (Rattus norvegicus) Diabetes After Administration of Golden Sea Cucumber (Stichopus hermanii), Setianingsih, Herin, Wisnumarta Satria Erda, and Tjandra Sareh Arjono , Pharmacognosy Journal, July 2021, Volume 13, Issue 4, p.958-964, (2021) PDF icon PDF (1.14 MB)
A Review of an Important Plants: Annona squamosa Leaf, Safira, Arifia, Widayani Prasita, An-Najaaty Dhiya, Rani Cinta Atsa Mahes, Septiani Mela, Putra Yan Arengga Sy, Solikhah Tridiganita Intan, Khairullah Aswin Rafif, and Raharjo Hartanto Mulyo , Pharmacognosy Journal, April 2022, Volume 14, Issue 2, p.456-463, (2022) PDF icon PDF (520.32 KB)
Risk Analysis of Microplastic Exposure Through Consumption of Anadara Granosa at Coastal Area, Namira, Nurhayati, Daud Anwar, Mallongi Anwar, Amqam Hasnawati, Wahyu Atjo, and , Pharmacognosy Journal, August 2023, Volume 15, Issue 4, p.558-562, (2023) PDF icon PDF (453.18 KB)
The Risk Analysis of Patient Transfer Practice Events to Safety of Nurses and Patients of the TNI AU Dodi Sardjoto Hospital, Sali, Muh. Nur Amal, M. Naiem Furqan, Muis Masyitha, Russeng Syamsiar S., Wahyu Atjo, Ibrahim Erniwati, and Mallongi Anwar , Pharmacognosy Journal, April 2023, Volume 15, Issue 2, p.429-432, (2023) PDF icon PDF (187.09 KB)
Role of Alkaloid on Platelet Aggregation and Serotonin in Migraine, Adam, Olivia Mahardani, and Widjiati Widjiati , Pharmacognosy Journal, June 2022, Volume 14, Issue 3, p.629-632, (2022) PDF icon PDF (307.41 KB)
The Role of Breast Milk on Reducing the Risk of Neonatal Sepsis in Preterm and Low Birth Weight Infants: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, Manurung, Tita Natalia, Wungu Citrawati Dyah Kenco, and Utomo Martono Tri , Pharmacognosy Journal, January 2023, Volume 14, Issue 6s, p.1067-1074, (2022) PDF icon PDF (413.18 KB)
The Role of Neuron Specific Enolase, S100B, Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein, and Myelin Basic Protein as Prognostic and Survival Values in Traumatic Brain Injury: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis, Sutrisno, Wibowo Artho, Airlangga Prananda Surya, Wungu Citrawati Dyah Kenco, Kriswidyatomo Prihatma,, Semedi Bambang Pujo, and , Pharmacognosy Journal, April 2024, Volume 16, Issue 2, p.478-484, (2024) PDF icon PDF (663.81 KB)
Safety Assessment of Supplementation with Cymbopogon citratus Stapf. (Lemongrass) Extract in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease Stage 3: A Preliminary 90-Days Prospective Study, Wongmanit, Patnaree, Tungsukruthai Parunkul, Phetkate Pratya, Rungprai Daraporn, Tungsukruthai Sucharat, Supasyndh Ouppatham, and Sriyakul Kusuma , Pharmacognosy Journal, December 2023, Volume 15, Issue 6, p.976-986, (2023) PDF icon PDF (872.73 KB)
Screening and Identification of Metabolites from Sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata) Ethanol Extract for Pro-Inflammatory Cytokines Inhibitory through In Silico and In Vitro Approaches, Lukito, Evul Winoto, Iswantini Dyah, Antariksa Budhi, Rafi Mohamad, and Wahyudi Setyanto Tri , Pharmacognosy Journal, February 2024, Volume 16, Issue 1, p.131-140, (2024) PDF icon PDF (678.32 KB)
Screening of Tyrosinase Inhibitor, Antioxidant and Cytotoxicity of Dried Sea Cucumber from Tomini Bay, Indonesia, Nursid, Muhammad, Marraskuranto Endar, Kuswardini Azizah, and Winanto Tjahyo , Pharmacognosy Journal, May 2019, Volume 11, Issue 3, p.555-558, (2019) PDF icon PDF (333.63 KB)
Spatial Distribution of Microplastic Contamination in Blood Clams (Anadara granosa) on the Jeneponto Coast, South Sulawesi, Saleh, Rachmat, Daud Anwar, Ishak Hasanuddin, Amqam Hasnawati, Wahyu Atjo,, Birawida Agus B., and Mallongi Anwar , Pharmacognosy Journal, August 2023, Volume 15, Issue 4, p.680-690, (2023) PDF icon PDF (2.98 MB)
Standardization of Eleutherine bulbosa Urb. Bulbs and Total Flavonoid Content from Three Locations in Kalimantan, Indonesia, Muthia, Rahmi, Wati Helmina, Bin Jamaludin Wahyudin,, Setiawan Finna, Fikri Muhammad, and Wahhab Abdul , Pharmacognosy Journal, January 2021, Volume 13, Issue 1, p.73-80, (2021) PDF icon PDF (2.32 MB)
Standardization of Eleutherine bulbosa Urb. Bulbs and Total Flavonoid Content from Three Locations in Kalimantan, Indonesia, Muthia, Rahmi, Wati Helmina, Bin Jamaludin Wahyudin,, Setiawan Finna, Fikri Muhammad, and Wahhab Abdul , Pharmacognosy Journal, January 2021, Volume 13, Issue 1, p.73-80, (2021) PDF icon PDF (2.32 MB)
Study of Sericin Sequences from Bombyx mori as Antiaging through ROS with Molecular Simulation and DPPH Evaluation, Agustina, Fitria, Fadilah Fadilah, Pangkahila Wimpie, Wiraguna Anak Agung Gde, and I Dewi Gusti Ayu Sri Ma , Pharmacognosy Journal, October 2022, Volume 14, Issue 5, p.632-641, (2022) PDF icon PDF (832.73 KB)
