Published Articles

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Journal Article
Azadirachta indica: Antibacterial Activity of Neem Against Different Strains of Bacteria and their Active Constituents as Preventive in Various Diseases, Herrera-Calderon, Oscar, Ejaz Kainat, Wajid Mahnoor, Shehzad Muzzamil, Tinco-Jayo Johnny Aldo, Enciso-Roca Edwin, Franco-Quino César, Yuli-Posadas Ricardo Ángel, and Chumpitaz-Cerrate Victor , Pharmacognosy Journal, November 2019, Volume 11, Issue 6s, p.1597-1604, (2019) PDF icon PDF (631.96 KB)
Bacillus anthracis growth Inhibitory Properties of Australian Terminalia spp.: Putative Identification of low Polarity Volatile Components by GC-MS Headspace Analysis, Wright, Mitchell Henry, Sirdaarta Joseph, White Alan, Greene Anthony Carlson, and Cock Ian Edwin , Pharmacognosy Journal, Jan/2016, Volume 8, Issue 3, p.281-290, (2016) PDF icon PDF (222.46 KB)
Bioactive Compounds and Cytotoxicity of Ethyl Acetate Extract From Broussonetia luzonica (Moraceae) Blanco Leaves against Hepatocellular Carcinoma (Hepg2) Cell Lines, Casuga, Franelyne P., Castillo Agnes L., and Corpuz Mary Jho- Anne T. , Pharmacognosy Journal, Oct 2016, Volume 8, Issue 5, p.497-501, (2016) PDF icon PDF (509.25 KB)
Bioactive Compounds and Cytotoxicity of Ethyl Acetate Extract From Broussonetia luzonica (Moraceae) Blanco Leaves against Hepatocellular Carcinoma (Hepg2) Cell Lines, Casuga, Franelyne P., Castillo Agnes L., and Corpuz Mary Jho- Anne T. , Pharmacognosy Journal, Oct 2016, Volume 8, Issue 5, p.497-501, (2016) PDF icon PDF (509.25 KB)
Bioactive Compounds and Cytotoxicity of Ethyl Acetate Extract From Broussonetia luzonica (Moraceae) Blanco Leaves against Hepatocellular Carcinoma (Hepg2) Cell Lines, Casuga, Franelyne P., Castillo Agnes L., and Corpuz Mary Jho- Anne T. , Pharmacognosy Journal, Oct 2016, Volume 8, Issue 5, p.497-501, (2016) PDF icon PDF (509.25 KB)
Bio-Flavonoids and Garcinoic Acid from Garcinia kola Heckel Seeds with Promising Antioxidant Potentials, Michel, Tchimene Kenne, Ottoh Anaga Arua, Chukwunonye Ugwoke Christophe, Obodoike Ezugwu Christophe, Christopher Okunji, and Mmaduakolam Iwu Maurice , Pharmacognosy Journal, 09/2015, Volume 8, Issue 1, p.56-58, (2016) PDF icon PDF (240 KB)
Bio-Flavonoids and Garcinoic Acid from Garcinia kola Heckel Seeds with Promising Antioxidant Potentials, Michel, Tchimene Kenne, Ottoh Anaga Arua, Chukwunonye Ugwoke Christophe, Obodoike Ezugwu Christophe, Christopher Okunji, and Mmaduakolam Iwu Maurice , Pharmacognosy Journal, 09/2015, Volume 8, Issue 1, p.56-58, (2016) PDF icon PDF (240 KB)
Cakile maritima Scop. Extracts Inhibit Caco2 and HeLa Human Carcinoma Cell Growth: GC-MS Analysis of an Anti-Proliferative Extract, Omer, Elsayed, Elshamy Abdelsamed, Taher Rihab, El-Kashak Walaa, Shalom Joseph, White Alan, and Cock Ian , Pharmacognosy Journal, February 2019, Volume 11, Issue 2, p.258-266, (2019) PDF icon PDF (540.89 KB)
Cakile maritima Scop. extracts inhibit the growth of some bacterial triggers of autoimmune diseases: GC-MS analysis of an inhibitory extract, Omer, Elsayed, Elshamy Abdelsamed, Gendy Abdel Nasser El, Cai Xin, Sirdaarta Joseph, White Alan, and Cock Ian Edwin , Pharmacognosy Journal, June/2016, Volume 8, Issue 4, p.361-374, (2016) PDF icon PDF (1.65 MB)
Cakile maritima Scop. extracts inhibit the growth of some bacterial triggers of autoimmune diseases: GC-MS analysis of an inhibitory extract, Omer, Elsayed, Elshamy Abdelsamed, Gendy Abdel Nasser El, Cai Xin, Sirdaarta Joseph, White Alan, and Cock Ian Edwin , Pharmacognosy Journal, June/2016, Volume 8, Issue 4, p.361-374, (2016) PDF icon PDF (1.65 MB)
Cardioprotective Role of Partharishtam on Isopreterenol Induced Myocardial Infarction in Animal Model, Narayanan, G., Prabhu K, Chaudhury Anath Bandhu, Rao Mudiganti Ram Krishn, Selvi V S. Kalai, Muthiah N S., and Dinakar Sruthi , Pharmacognosy Journal, March 2021, Volume 13, Issue 2, p.591-595, (2021) PDF icon PDF (977.21 KB)
Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla L.) Essential Oil and its Potential Against Stress, Anxiety, and Sleep Quality, Alvarado-García, Paul Alan Arkin, Soto-Vásquez Marilú Roxana, Rodrigo-Villanueva Elda Maritza, Gavidia-Valencia José Gilberto, Rodríguez Natalia Mavila Guz, Rengifo-Penadillos Roger Antonio, Campos-Florián Julio Víctor, and de Guzmán Yolanda Elizabeth , Pharmacognosy Journal, February 2024, Volume 16, Issue 1, p.100-107, (2024) PDF icon PDF (1.18 MB)
Characteristics of Thai Pigmented Rice Milk Kefirs with Potential as Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Foods, Deeseenthum, Sirirat, Luang-In Vijitra, and Chunchom Supaporn , Pharmacognosy Journal, December 2017, Volume 10, Issue 1, p.154-161, (2018) PDF icon PDF (943.56 KB)
Characterization and Phytochemical Screening of Meniran (Phyllanthus niruri Linn) Extract's Nanoparticles Used Ball Mill Method, Sabdoningrum, Emy Koestanti, Hidanah Sri, Chusniati Sri, and , Pharmacognosy Journal, December 2021, Volume 13, Issue 6s, p.1568-1572, (2021) PDF icon PDF (1.02 MB)
Characterization of the Anthelmintic Activity of Murraya koenigii (Linn.), S, Sujith, MN Priya, CK Deepa, and PTA Usha , Pharmacognosy Journal, November 2018, Volume 10, Issue 6s, p.s100-s103, (2018) PDF icon PDF (494.43 KB)
Characterizationof the Anthelmintic Activity of Murraya koenigii (Linn.), S, Sujith, MN Priya, CK Deepa, and PTA Usha , Pharmacognosy Journal, July/2018, Volume 10, Issue 1, p.73-76, (2018)
Chemical Composition, Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Properties of Salvia Officinalis Extract from Algeria, BOUFADI, Mokhtaria Yasmina, KEDDARI Soumia, MOULAI-HACENE Faiza, and CHAA Sara , Pharmacognosy Journal, March 2021, Volume 13, Issue 2, p.506-515, (2021) PDF icon PDF (673.66 KB)
Chemical Constituents and Antifungal Activity of Leaf Essential Oil from Oreopanax ecuadorensis Seem. (Pumamaki), Endemic Plant of Ecuador, Noriega, Paco, Vergara Bryan, Carillo Carlos, and Mosquera Tatiana , Pharmacognosy Journal, November 2019, Volume 11, Issue 6s, p.1544-1548, (2019) PDF icon PDF (503.48 KB)
Chemical Constituents and in vitro anticancer activity of Tiliacora triandra leaves, Rattana, Surapong, Cushnie Benjamart, Taepongsorat Ladachart, and Phadungkit Methin , Pharmacognosy Journal, 09/2015, Volume 8, Issue 1, p.1-3, (2016) PDF icon PDF (383.96 KB)
Chemical Profile of Essential oil of Ocimum gratissimum L. and Evaluation of Antibacterial and Drug Resistance-modifying Activity by Gaseous Contact Method, Silva, Maria Karollyna, Carvalho Victória Regina De, and Matias Edinardo Fagner Fer , Pharmacognosy Journal, 09/2015, Volume 8, Issue 1, p.4-9, (2016) PDF icon PDF (426.61 KB)
Chuquiraga spinosa Lessing: A Medicinal Plant for Gastric Cancer Induced By N-Methyl-N-Nitroso-Urea (NMU), Arroyo-Acevedo, Jorge Luis, Herrera-Calderon Oscar, Rojas-Armas Juan Pedro, Chumpitaz-Cerrate Victor, Franco-Quino César, and Hañari-Quispe Renán , Pharmacognosy Journal, December 2017, Volume 10, Issue 1, p.20-24, (2018) PDF icon PDF (658.02 KB)
Comparative GC-MS Analysis of Bioactive Phytochemicals from Different Plant Parts and Callus of Leptadenia reticulata Wight and Arn., Godara, Priyanka, Dulara Bunty Kumar, Barwer Neelam, and Chaudhary Navneet Singh , Pharmacognosy Journal, January 2019, Volume 11, Issue 1, p.129-140, (2019) PDF icon PDF (928.26 KB)
Comparative pharmacognostic, phytochemical and biological evaluation between five Chlorophytum species, Deore, Sharada. L., Jajoo Neha B., Chittam Kailaspati P. A., and.A.Deshmukh T , Pharmacognosy Journal, 16th Jan, 2015, Volume 7, Issue 5, p.147-156, (2015)
Comparative Pharmacognostic, Phytochemical and Biological evaluation between five Chlorophytum species, Deore, Sharada Laxman, Jajoo Neha Brijmohan, Chittam Kailaspati Prabhakar, and Deshmukh Tushar Atmaram , Pharmacognosy Journal, 01/2015, Volume 7, Issue 5, p.317-325, (2015) PDF icon PDF (1000.45 KB)
Comparative Powder Microscopic and HPTLC Studies on Stem barks of Symplocos racemosa Roxb. and Symplocos crataegoides Ham, Govindarajan, Nartunai, Cheekala Uma Maheswara, Arcot Shantha, Sundaramoorthy Susikumar, Shanmugam Murugammal, Duraisamy Ramasamy, Cheemalapati Venkata Narasimhaj, and Raju Ilavarasan , Pharmacognosy Journal, June/2016, Volume 8, Issue 4, p.346-351, (2016) PDF icon PDF (963.83 KB)
