Published Articles

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Journal Article
Preclinical Trial of Propolis Extract in Prevention of High Salt Diet- Induced Hypertension, Mulyati, Ade Heri, Sulaeman Ahmad, Marliyati Sri Anna, Rafi Mohamad, and Fikri Al Mukhlas , Pharmacognosy Journal, January 2021, Volume 13, Issue 1, p.89-96, (2021) PDF icon PDF (381.32 KB)
Antiemetic Activity of Trigona spp. Propolis from Three Provinces of Indonesia with Two Methods of Extraction, Fikri, Al Mukhlas, Sulaeman Ahmad, Marliyati Sri Anna, and Fahrudin Mokhamad , Pharmacognosy Journal, December 2017, Volume 10, Issue 1, p.120-122, (2018) PDF icon PDF (327.5 KB)