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Clinical uses and Toxicity of Ephedra sinica: An Evidence-Based Comprehensive Retrospective Review (2004-2017), saeed, Walaa Al, Dhamen Marwa Al, Ahmad Rizwan, Ahmad Niyaz, and Naqvi Atta Abbas , Pharmacognosy Journal, February 2019, Volume 11, Issue 2, p.439-444, (2019) PDF icon PDF (457.77 KB)
Effect of Afghan Senjed (Elaeagnus Angustifolia L.) Leaves Aqueous alcoholic Extract on Blood Glucose Level of Diabetic Rats, Sadat, Hamida, Alami Kawsar, and Mousavi Sayed Yousof , Pharmacognosy Journal, September 2020, Volume 12, Issue 6, p.1218-1222, (2020) PDF icon PDF (691.81 KB)
GC/MS Analysis and Potential Cytotoxic Activity of Haplophyllum tuberculatum Essential Oils Against Lung and Liver Cancer Cells, Sabry, Omar Mohamed Mo, Sayed Abeer Mohamed El, and Alshalmani Salmin Khalid , Pharmacognosy Journal, 09/2015, Volume 8, Issue 1, p.66-69, (2016) PDF icon PDF (229.09 KB)
Characterization and Phytochemical Screening of Meniran (Phyllanthus niruri Linn) Extract's Nanoparticles Used Ball Mill Method, Sabdoningrum, Emy Koestanti, Hidanah Sri, Chusniati Sri, and , Pharmacognosy Journal, December 2021, Volume 13, Issue 6s, p.1568-1572, (2021) PDF icon PDF (1.02 MB)
Non-Nutritive Sweeteners Modulated Creatinine and Urea Levels in White Albino Rats, Saarti, Mohammed, Khalaf Musab M., and Althanoon Zeina A. , Pharmacognosy Journal, April 2024, Volume 16, Issue 2, p.422-425, (2024) PDF icon PDF (472.63 KB)
Resveratrol: Latest Scientific Evidences of its Chemical, Biological Activities and Therapeutic Potentials, Saad, Nur Mursyida, Sekar Mahendran, Gan Siew Hua, Lum Pei Teng, Vaijanathappa Jaishree, and Ravi Subban , Pharmacognosy Journal, November 2020, Volume 12, Issue 6s, p.1779-1791, (2020) PDF icon PDF (1.36 MB)
Anatomical Study and Characterization of Metabolites in Leaves of Momordica charantia L., Sá, Rafaela Damasceno, Cadena Marília Barbosa, Padilha Rafael José Ribe, Alves Luiz Carlos, and Randau Karina Perrelli , Pharmacognosy Journal, August 2018, Volume 10, Issue 5, p.823-826, (2018) PDF icon PDF (510.29 KB)
Pharmacological Potential of the Stinging Plant Tragia Species: A Review, S, Narasimhan , Pharmacognosy Journal, January 2021, Volume 13, Issue 1, p.278-284, (2021) PDF icon PDF (343.8 KB)
Callus Induction and Elicitation of Total Phenolics in Callus Cell Suspension Culture of Celastrus paniculatus – willd, an Endangered Medicinal Plant in India, S, Anusha T., V Joseph M., and K Elyas K. , Pharmacognosy Journal, Oct 2016, Volume 8, Issue 5, p.471-475, (2016) PDF icon PDF (664.48 KB)
Functional and Morphological Studies of Organic and Inorganic Tomatoes, S, Shwetha M., R Sinija V., Durgadevi M, Yadav B K., and Shanmugasundaram S , Pharmacognosy Journal, May 2018, Volume 10, Issue 4, p.715-719, (2018) PDF icon PDF (1.69 MB)
Isolation, Characterization and in vitro Pharmacological Activities of Tagetes Erectus Linn, S, Resmi, Nair Divya V., Subhash Athulya, Jose Rose, V Vishnu, and Zachariah Subin Mary , Pharmacognosy Journal, January 2018, Volume 10, Issue 2, p.384-393, (2018) PDF icon PDF (1.45 MB)
Characterizationof the Anthelmintic Activity of Murraya koenigii (Linn.), S, Sujith, MN Priya, CK Deepa, and PTA Usha , Pharmacognosy Journal, July/2018, Volume 10, Issue 1, p.73-76, (2018)
Phytochemical and Pharmacological Studies of Different Extracts of Stem Bark and Leaf of Flueggea leucopyrus Willd., S, Sarath Lal P., M Thirumal, and K Ajith Babu T. , Pharmacognosy Journal, December 2024, Volume 16, Issue 6, p.1281-1289, (2024) PDF icon PDF (624.14 KB)
Analysis of the Implementation of the Bpjs Kesehatan Chronic Diseases Management Program (Prolanis) in Biru Health Center, Bone Regency, S, Suci Fajriani, Razak Amran, Arifin Muhammad Alwy, Amir Muhammad Yusran, Mallongi Anwar, and Syafar Muhammad , Pharmacognosy Journal, August 2024, Volume 16, Issue 4, p.872-879, (2024) PDF icon PDF (218.75 KB)
Simultaneous Quantification of Lupeol, Stigmasterol and β- Sitosterol in Extracts of Adhatoda vasica Nees Leaves and its Marketed Formulations by a Validated RP-HPLC Method, S, Nandhini, and K Ilango , Pharmacognosy Journal, June 2020, Volume 12, Issue 4, p.850-856, (2020) PDF icon PDF (1.72 MB)
Characterization of the Anthelmintic Activity of Murraya koenigii (Linn.), S, Sujith, MN Priya, CK Deepa, and PTA Usha , Pharmacognosy Journal, November 2018, Volume 10, Issue 6s, p.s100-s103, (2018) PDF icon PDF (494.43 KB)
Comparative Study on Pharmacognostical, Phytochemical Investigations and Quantification of Vasicine Content in the Extracts of Adhatoda vasica Nees and Adhatoda beddomei CB Clarke, S, Nandhini, and K Ilango , Pharmacognosy Journal, June 2020, Volume 12, Issue 4, p.884-896, (2020) PDF icon PDF (2.48 MB)
Effect of Fibroblast Growth Factor Combination with Ethanol Extract of Morinda citrifolia L. on Blood Glucose Levels, S, Dharma, Y Rahmawati,, and S Dillasamolla , Pharmacognosy Journal, November 2019, Volume 11, Issue 6s, p.1558-1562, (2019) PDF icon PDF (591.34 KB)
Analysis of Factors Influencing the Willingness to Pay BPJS Kesehatan Contributions of Mandiri Participants in the Working Area of Bua Health Center, Luwu District, S, Syiar Cakke.,,, Palutturi Sukri, Ishak Hasanuddin, Zulkifli Andi, and Mallongi Anwar , Pharmacognosy Journal, February 2024, Volume 16, Issue 1, p.211-216, (2024) PDF icon PDF (189.25 KB)
Recent Scenario of Impact of Xenobiotics on Marine Fish: An Overview, S, Jagadeep Chandra, GL Chandana, Kote Naganagouda V., and SP Sharath Chandra , Pharmacognosy Journal, November 2020, Volume 12, Issue 6s, p.1797-1800, (2020) PDF icon PDF (516.11 KB)
Synergistic Efficacy of Phytochemical, Antioxidant and Bactericidal Properties of the Aerial Essential Oil of Laggera crispata, S, Ololade Zacchaeus, A Anuoluwa Iyadunni, F Adeyemi Adewale, and I Uyaboerigha Daubotei , Pharmacognosy Journal, September 2021, Volume 13, Issue 5, p.1304-1311, (2021) PDF icon PDF (959.17 KB)
In Vivo Antimammary Tumor Effects of Soybean Extract with Targeted Lunasin (ET-Lun), Rusdi, Numlil Khaira, Purwaningsih Erni Hernawati, Hestiantoro Andon, Elya Berna, and Kusmardi Kusmardi , Pharmacognosy Journal, September 2021, Volume 13, Issue 5, p.1269-1276, (2021) PDF icon PDF (2.87 MB)
Subchronic Toxicity of Lunasin Targeted Extract (ET-Lun) from Soybean Seed (Glycine max (L.) Merr.): Perspective from Liver Histopathology, SGOT, and SGPT Levels in Sprague Dawley Rats, Rusdi, Numlil Khaira, Yuliana Weri Lia, Purwaningsih Erni Hernawati, Hestiantoro Andon, and Kusmardi Kusmardi , Pharmacognosy Journal, November 2021, Volume 13, Issue 6, p.1384-1388, (2021) PDF icon PDF (1.57 MB)
Chemical Constituents of Dendrobium williamsonii, Rungwichaniwat, Pathrapa, Sritularak Boonchoo, and Likhitwitayawuid Kittisak , Pharmacognosy journal, 8th April 2014, Volume 6, Issue 3, p.36-41, (2014)
Phytochemicals Screening, GC/MS Characterization and Antioxidant Activity of Falcataria moluccana Miq. Barneby and J. W. Grimes Methanolic Extract, Rumidatul, Alfi, I Aryantha Nyoman Pugeg, and Sulistyawati Endah , Pharmacognosy Journal, March 2021, Volume 13, Issue 2, p.450-455, (2021) PDF icon PDF (802.48 KB)
