Published Articles

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High Efficiency in vitro Plant Regeneration and Secondary Metabolite Quantification from Leaf Explants of Rhodiola imbricata, Bhardwaj, Ashwani Kumar, Naryal Avilekh, Bhardwaj Pushpender, Warghat Ashish Rambhau, Arora Balpreet, Dhiman Shikha, Saxena Shweta, Pati Pratap Kumar, and Chaurasia Om Prakash , Pharmacognosy Journal, x, Volume 10, Issue 2s, p.x, (2018)
High Efficiency in vitro Plant Regeneration and Secondary Metabolite Quantification from Leaf Explants of Rhodiola imbricata, Bhardwaj, Ashwani Kumar, Naryal Avilekh, Bhardwaj Pushpender, Warghat Ashish Rambhau, Arora Balpreet, Dhiman Shikha, Saxena Shweta, Pati Pratap Kumar, and Chaurasia Om Prakash , Pharmacognosy Journal, March 2018, Volume 10, Issue 3, p.470-475, (2018) PDF icon PDF (872.08 KB)